
Hello There

I am Faris Durrani.
I am a Computer Science student in the Georgia Institute of Technology.


More About Me

My interests cover back-end software development and database management, and I am planning to specialize in cybersecurity in the long term. Open to working anywhere to work as an intern or an employee.

Hi There!

A proud Malaysian studying Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology under the JPA scholarship provided by the Malaysian government to a small pool from the Top 100 students in the national SPM school-leaving examination in 2015.

My interest lies in mathematics and computers, especially in the art of cryptography and human-computer interactions through a blend of psychology and social engineering, which is why I choose to specialize in People and Informatics Internetworks at Georgia Tech for my degree. Space Trader was my first project where along with two other students, we re-created the legacy Space Trader game on Java Swing over a period of 4 months. Since then, I've learned Javascript, HTML, CSS, and Ruby on my own through YouTube tutorials and other platforms alongside solving mathematical problems using computational algorithms on ProjectEuler to increase my skills. Personally, Java is my favorite language due to its right balance of rudimentariness and simplicity.

I've Got Some skills.

  • Java
  • Python
  • MySQL
  • ReactJS / React-Native
  • C
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Android Studio
  • Google Drive API
  • D3
  • PyCharm
  • IntelliJ
  • Canva

My Projects

Jul 2021 - present

Baja SAE Georgia Tech Off-Road

Python and PyQt5

Worked on the vehicle's data acquisition system 10+ hours a week to create a GUI that can accurately reflect the 12+ sensors data and generate plots, along with using the Google Drive API to download and upload data to our Google Drive through the GUI.

Dec 2021 - present

Vespid — Robinhood of Malaysia


A cross-platform mobile application aimed to give Malaysians a modern interface to invest in company stocks and funds, built atop React-Native, TypeScript, and Storybook through an iterative and methodical coding scheme. Our team of 4 meet every other day in pair-programming sessions to give feedback and discuss solutions.

Apr 2021

Aircraft Crash Visualization

D3 and JavaScript

An interactive visualization of worldwide aircraft incidents data from 1996 to 2016 using D3 v5. A user toggles filter settings and a range slider to only display related data, in addition to finding more on each incident by hovering over a particular incident circle.

Sep 2019 - Nov 2019

Space Trader Game

Java Swing

A recreation of the GUI classic game using Java Swing. A single player is able to buy and sell items, travel to planets, and interact with NPCs. The end culminates in the player dying, losing fuel and money, or immensed enough wealth to buy the whole Universe.

Jan 2021 - present

Concussion-Connect Android App

Android Studio

Coordinated the team to continue developing an Android app for our client aimed to diagnose concussion symptoms through the deliverance of standardized tests on an administrative Android app alongside a complementary web app on Heroku.

Jan — Feb 2022

DSGT Bootcamp Website

ReactJS with Bootstrap

Designed the latest iteration of the front-end of the Bootcamp website of Data Science at Georgia Tech using ReactJS with Bootstrap in 3 weeks. Changes included leveraging multiple libraries like @material-ui/core and done with >12,000 new lines of code and 123 files changed.

Aug — Nov 2021


Python Pygame

A single-player game where you control the spaceship using your eyes, fingers, and mouse. The game focuses on a single spaceship centered in the screen whose orientation is controlled by the player's eye movements, along with the ability to change screens or apply changes by drawing shapes on the screen (using either the fingers or mouse).

Mar 2020 - May 2020

TFTP-UDP Protocol

Java with UDP libraries

A reimplementation of a simplified version of the Trivial File Transfer Protocol based on RFC 1035. A server interacts in real time with multiple clients to send/receive small UDP packets of data and correct for corruption or losses.


Say Hello.


Cell / WhatsApp:
(+1) 678 956-9655



Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA
30332 United States